
Senior AP

Page history last edited by Jayson Yeagley 12 years, 9 months ago

Assignment Page assignments http://www.bridgewater.edu/WritingCenter/Resources/102in-class4.htm


Assignment #1 (Due on Oct. 4th) on Setting in "The Storm".

Assignment #2 (Due on Oct. 5th) on setting in "Greasy Lake"

Assignment #3 (Due on Oct. 11) Tone and Style in "A Clean Well-Lighted Place"

Assignment #4 Hemingway "Style Check list"--using one of three stories

Assignment #5 Combo of Barn and Rose

Assignment #6 Dead Man's Path questions

Assignment #7 Essay (mini) regarding Marxism Due Oct 19th

Assignment #7 Essay (min) regarding Marxism (a revision) Due Oct 20th 

Assignment #8 Reflection on: Marxism Criticism, Essay Writing, and Revision. Due Oct 20th

-----------2nd nine week---------------

Assignment #9 Harrison Bergeron" questions

Assignment #10 Steinbeck and Criticism

Assignment #11 Reaction to "Timed Article That Aren't Crap" and Poem

Assignment #12 Close reading of Maus Text and Meaning

Assignment #13 My Father Bleeds Response

Assignment #14 Family Maus CDDW

Assignment #15 Character Comparison from Maus: CDDW and Juxtaposition Dec. 8th 2011

Assignment #16 Sparknotes Gone Wild (due Jan. 12th 2011)

Assignment #17 Magical Rabbits

Assignment #18 AF CDW

Assignment #19 Hamlet STARS and TEARS on

Assignment #20 Hamlet Soliloquy Act 1 Scene 5

Assignment #21 Hamlet Protagonist





Tuesday May 8th 2012

1. We took a writing exam (timed).  It is the last exam before the AP test of Thursday.

2. Students had the choice of an "Open Essay Prompt" or a "Passage Essay Prompt"


HW--Read act V of Hamlet for tomorrow.



Monday May 7th 2012

1. We we will look at our multiple choice work from Friday 

2. We will look at examples and discuss what went right or wrong.


HW-->I will be assignment Act V of Hamlet tomorrow night.



Wednesday May 2nd 2012

1.  Hitting some major points from Act IV.  Add a few bullet points for every scene that express the main actions/events.    

2. Spend time on Act IV Scene IV responding to the pinpointed questions on the board.

3. Spend time on Act IV Scene V responding to the pinpointed questions on the board

4. Choose one of the two boxed questions on the board and conduct a CDW:


#1 What is the effect of this new and altered Hamlet on the viewer/reader?


#2 Why was the Queen reluctant to see Ophelia?


HW-->Last Blog Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Tuesday May 1st 2012

1. Quick Shakespeare (more to follow tomorrow)

2. Board focus with the writing

3. Continue reviewing your essay


HW-->No work tonight 



Monday April 30th 2012

1. Overview of the week.

2. Looking at last Friday's prompt:

3. the AP pack study....

4. ...Your Essay!


HW--> Read--->Hamlet Act IV (All)




Friday April 27th 2012

1. Write an AP essay during the class period

2. Assignment is due at the end of class




We are going to work with this paper 



Thursday April 26th 2012


1. Review the poem from yesterday

2. We looked our essays.  We discussed weaknesses. 





Wednesday April 25th 2012

1. Finish "Berry Picking"

2. Read and answer on  "Sestina"

3. We checked the spellings for scholarships won and the destinations for college.


HW--> Finish the 2nd to the last blog!



Tuesday April 24th 2012

1.  We are going to look at scene 1 and 2 of Act 3  

2. "Berry Picking" poem looked at and discussed






Thursday April 2012

1. Write a dual essay (intro body/intro body) + Pick one to have a warrant.

2. Essay #1---> Write to prove that Hamlet is acting crazy.

3. Essay #2---> Write to Prove that Hamlet is crazy





Wednesday April 18th 2012

1. Discussing the Act: Make a list of the key aspects

2. The players discussing the players--->using a play to bring about change.

3. The soliloquy at the end.


According to Harold Bloom:

The largest mistake we can make about the play, Hamlet, is to think that it is the tragedy of a man who could not make up his mind because (presumably) he thinks too much.... The fundamental fact about Hamlet is not that he thinks too much, but that he thinks too well. His is simply the most intelligent role ever written for the Western stage; indeed, he may be the most intelligent figure in all the world of literature, West or East. Unable to rest in illusions of any kind, he thinks his way through to the truth, which may be a pure nihilism, yet a nihilism so purified that it possesses an absolute nobility, even a kind of transcendentalism.





Tuesday April 17th 2012


1. Hamlet as the protagonist 

2. Act 2 Performed

3. Note any soliloquies  


HW-->Finish Act 2.  Notice the growth of Hamlet





Monday April 16th 2012

1. Break down Hamlet in terms of words and actions.

2. What do others say about Hamlet?

3. Discussion of Hamlet as an individual.



1. Compare Hamlet in terms of another protagonist that you have read.  The goal of this is to know Hamlet more.  Decide how you are going to set this up.  Have a summative aspect at the end.  This is assignment #21




Thursday April 12th 2012

0. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSH-TAX_9Ts&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

1. Interlocking Story lines: How characters complicate a simple story of revenge

2. Some clear and worthwhile changes from Gibson film adaptation

3. Use of figurative language in Hamlet Act 1:


Act I, Scene I

The graves stood tenantless and the sheeted dead
Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets:
As stars with trains of fire and dews of blood,
Disasters in the sun; and the moist star
Upon whose influence Neptune's empire stands
Was sick almost to doomsday with eclipse . . .

But, look, the morn, in russet mantle clad,
Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastward hill:

Act I, Scene II

. . . 'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother,
Nor customary suits of solemn black,
Nor windy suspiration of forced breath,
No, nor the fruitful river in the eye,
Nor the dejected 'havior of the visage,
Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief,
That can denote me truly:

Thrift, thrift, Horatio! the funeral baked meats
Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables.


4. http://homepage.mac.com/sapphirestudios/qod/scene5.html


HW-->None.  We will be working with a multiple choice selection.




Wednesday April 11th 2012

1. Today you are provided with time to read Act one of Hamlet.

2. After Reading all of Act 1-->Respond to the Soliloquy from Hamlet in Act 1 Scene 5.  Analyze the significance of the soliloquy by focusing on making points supported by textual support.  Place this worthwhile (and not-underdevelopment) analysis on your assignments page under assignment #20.  You need to do your own work.  I am not interested in what the Internet says about this soliloquy.  I don't have the text in front of me, but it starts "O all you host of Heaven! O earth! What else?" 

3. If you read the text last night, you can spend class time to work on your blog #4


HW--->Make sure you have the work done that I asked you to do in class today.




Tuesday April 10 2012

1. Survey for Mr. Martin  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CNFNFRZ

2. Discuss last week's poetry push

3. Finish the film (30 min.)

4. Hand out text.


HW-->None (blog #4 due tomorrow)


April 4th 2012

1. The thesis statement reviewed (Look for the core/independent sentence)

2. Overview of the Paper and due date/Draft on Tuesday (digital copy only)--->TRIC revisited

3. The research paper/Example


HW-->Research paper draft (Complete).




April 3rd 2012 (Click here for Ms. Stefanoff) http://stefanoffenglish12.pbworks.com/w/page/44525244/While%20you%20were%20out

0. Finish Thesis comments (5 min.)

1. Juxtapose the original thesis statement and the adjusted one.  Make general notes about them (such as hints that you can use).  Make adjustments for the thesis statement.

2. Annotated Bibliography (review of the point).  Cut out each Bib + Annotation and begin to align them together regarding your TRIC paragraphs.  In other words you are going to organize it.

3. Check your prosed organization with your thesis statement.


HW-->Stop listening to country music and consider not reading Hunger Games


April 2nd 2012 (CLICK Here for Ms. Stefanoff) http://stefanoffenglish12.pbworks.com/w/page/44525244/While%20you%20were%20out

Regular English 12


0. Drop the annotated bibliography

1. Thesis info (what is a thesis and what is a good thesis) http://2010yeagleyenglish.pbworks.com/w/page/32890788/The%20Thesis%20Statement

2. Keynote on thesis

3. Work on thesis statements.  You have three bad ones (crappy) you are going to fix and combine.



HW-->Print out your annotated bibliography ( all of them).  You need your annotated Bibliography on paper for tomorrow's class.






Monday March 27th 2012

1. Discuss the revision process for the essay and grades.

2. Blog #1 Review

3. Hamlet Film Day One.  View the film in order to create and depth of understanding for the reading of the text.  (create a character list and a conflict list).




Friday March 30th 2012

1. We took a poetry multiple choice quest

2. We wrote an intro and a body and a conclusion


HW-->none (see you in two weeks)


Thursday March 29th 2012

1. No class because of NHS Fun-Day





Wednesday March 28th 2012

1. Viewing of Hamlet


HW-->New blog due tonight!



Tuesday March 27th 2012

1. Comments on what to expect on Friday

2. Make-up scheduling from last week's quest/essay

3. Continue viewing after discussion (quickly) some of the conflict and some of the characters' attributes






MondayMarch 26th 2012

1. Discuss the revision process for the essay and grades.

2. Blog #1 Review


3. Hamlet Film Day One.  View the film in order to create and depth of understanding for the reading of the text.  (create a character list and a conflict list).



Hamlet Question (student based on either character or conflict) from Viewing.  Use Tears and Stars.  Response goes in Assignments



Friday March 23rd 2012

1. Multiple choice Quest





Thursday March 22nd 2012

1. We wrote an essay/Question #2 (see me for a make-up period)

2. Students were directed to return to my class after 2nd period to get a copy of the essay (I will make copies during my planning).

3. Students have until Friday at Midnight to post the revision.  This first essay revision assignment is to be called Essay 10 Revision.  Please follow the procedures below to properly submit your essay revision:


a. Place revision (only) on the new page under the essay folder (again, the name of the page is listed above)

b. In the comment box (on the new page mentioned above), assign a grade (1-9) to the pre-revised essay and a sentence that shows the driving issues.  Next (still in the comment box), place the grade (1-9) of the revised essay and a reason why the score is elevated.  Please site the rubric (paragraph) in your response. (click the link for rubric) http://2010yeagleyenglish.pbworks.com/w/page/34759771/AP%20LIT%20rubric%20for%20essay%20writing%202

c. Please provide things you want me to know about the essay and your current goals and weaknesses.


Example (of the comment box):


b. 7.  My grade is a seven because I tend to miss opportunities to analyze the text in depth as many of my....(etc.) for the revision I feel I upped my grade to an 8. I broke the elements on the essay down better you have broken the piece into (through analysis), and present to your reader a sophisticated, critical understanding of the literature that indicates you have a clearly developed aesthetic or rhetorical sense regarding the piece.

c. I am getting better at being able to take ideas an analyze them. I know that if I am not careful, I tend to spend too much of my effort on review of the text.  I want to keep the goal of 25% review and 75% analysis.  I am also working hard to make the best connections to the text versus just picking anything I see. The better the connection and strength of my text, the more I can talk about.   



Wednesday March 21st 2012

1. Bringing everything together...SO far--->The Homework and the Packet

2. Work in groups on the "Mending Wall" and the reaction.

3. Discussion of the function...


HW-->Blog due tonight!


Tuesday March 20th 2012

1. Read the first page of your text and share insights as to how the authors started off the text. 

2. Reagan activity

3. "A Mending Wall" application using deconstruction

4. Critical questions reviewed


HW-->begin your book and your reading/ new blog due on Wednesday.



Monday March 19th 2012

1. New nine weeks information regarding recurring assignments.  AP Journal for Indie Novel (Due Wednesday @ midnight), Weekly Multiple Choice Quests (given each Friday during class), and Essay Rewrites (Due Friday @midnight).

2. Introduction to Deconstruction (web search) as our new literary criticism (1st-Marxism, 2nd-Psychoanalytical Criticism, 3rd-Archetype, 4th-Deconstruction)

3. Application of Deconstruction basics

4. http://2010yeagleyenglish.pbworks.com/w/page/51996014/Reader%20Response%20Journal




1. Read: http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/jbalkin/articles/deconessay.pdf

2. (get book)



Friday March 16th 2012

1. We looked at an example of a graduation speech

2. Use a word to brain storm some ideas you would like to focus on in your eventual speech (4th nine weeks after AP test)


HW-->get and bring in your new novel (your choice) for next nine weeks


Thursday March 15th 2012

1. Refection on 'Collection' looking at:

a. Quality

b. Clarity

c. Pacing

d. Revision

E. New Found Knowledge

F. Process  

2. Write about these on the back of you 'collection' print out

3. Turn in paper


HW-->No homework



Wednesday March 14th 2012

1. Last minute questions

2. Work on your Collection


HW--->I think you know what to do...




Tuesday March 13th 2012

1. Finish discussing the essay X from question #2

2. Record the info on a page dedicated towards notes for improving/fine tuning writing.

3. Review essay SSS on the same topic.  What did the writer do in this one?


HW--->Collection of Ideas





Monday March 12th 2012

1. No stuff this week:  

2. 2010 prompt question #2--->http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/ap10_frq_eng_lit.pdf

3. Read and Discuss Question #2 Essay X


HW--->Collection of Ideas...Due on March 15th at class time.  You need to post it and print it out for class on Thursday.




Friday March 9th 2012


1. Take last Quest of the nine weeks


2. Read the Purdue Owl Site:  Pay close attention to the 'Analytical' Essay and the aspect of the genre: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/658/02/  ------>An analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience.


3. There are many ways to organize a research paper.  You need one that is parallel and logical for your topic/intent.  http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/01/ 


4. Writing a thesis statement and topic sentence in Analytical essays.  Here are some tips that you might want to consider: http://acme.highpoint.edu/~msetzler/generalissues/thesisstate.htm


HW-->last Youtube (Tonight) and Last Blog (Sunday)





Thursday March 8th 2012


2. We will discuss the research paper and tips for organization

3. Make sure you study for your last quest of the nine weeks (tomorrow)


HW--->you might want to spend some time doing your last grouping of "collection" items a little early as the essay is due on March 15th (Thurs.)



Wednesday March 7th 2012

1. We wrote our timed essay (nobody was absent)

2. We used the same prompt we looked at in the video.

3. Students posted this as the 8th essay.

(tomorrow I will provide a lesson on how to organize and write a research paper.  I will have examples and something to read for those that are involved with the tapping ceremony.)



1. Make sure you complete your collection of ideas tonight (only one more week)--->Paper due in class (printed and posted) on March 15th.

2. Make sure you cut-out and organized your annotated bibliography for tomorrow and thursday.




Tuesday March 6th 2012

1. Continue working on ways to add info into your body paragraph.

2. Discuss what was read last night

3. Continue watching the video from yesterday.

4. Look at a written example that balances info from text wit commentary.



HW-->Begin to find a way to organize information.  Try printing out your bibliography and cutting the pieces up.



Monday March 5th 2012

0. Last week for the Vs. lit term series.  Quest this Friday

1. Review of the essay from Thursday.  Review/reread/reaction back.  http://2010yeagleyenglish.pbworks.com/w/page/34759771/AP%20LIT%20rubric%20for%20essay%20writing%202


2. Review of a prompt--->Read and Plan 2007 Form B http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/ap/students/english/ap07_eng_lit_form_b_frq.pdf

3. Model response to the prompt.  (18 Min.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_H7oiHiYM4

4. Review your essay for the second time.  Based on the video, what would you do differently now?



1. Read the following portion of a test prep PDF. http://kisdwebs.katyisd.org/campuses/CRHS/teacherweb/shank/Lists/Announcements/Attachments/6/Peterson's%20AP%20English.pdf

page 145-152






Friday March 2nd 2012

1. Take quest #6

2. Finish and turn in the folders (see me)


HW--->Blog due Sunday night



Thursday March 1st 2012

1. Worked on editing for the newspaper


HW--->YouTube update on Friday


Wednesday Feb. 29th 2012

1. Students will review the ideas of conclusions--->Application to your essay

2. Students will review an essay from past AP Testing.  Students will spend special attention to the conclusion.

3. Review aspect from the text. Discussion HW.



1. Blog is due by midnight.  Make sure you read the introduction and the first chapter to Foster.

2. Read passage for tomorrow's class.



Tuesday Feb. 28th 2012

1. Review a student's essay from last week including the remarks by AP Lang.

2. Spend time editing two of the articles from the students.  (review the difference).


HW--->Work on Collection of Ideas



Monday Feb. 27th 2012

1. The Overview of the week/New Lit. on Litotes vs. Understatement

2. Read an example of a feature (found on Wednesday Feb 22nd for the Junior English)    

3. Divy up the different articles from Juniors.  You will only be working on the article in class.

4. Make your comment sheet that will include: Person's Name, Article Title, (Red)(Yellow)(Green).


HW--->None.  (you might want to start breaking down your collection of ideas into parts to see what is going to work well together.  You want to cluster.



Friday Feb. 24th 2012

1. Take Quest 5

2. Review your essay from yesterday--->only make marks on the page's comment area.

3. Download the following word file.  You will be assigned one essay to look at and review.  Make your comments on type with me



Jewett Junior AP Lang.docx


HW_-->None....YouTube.  Weekly Blog due on Sunday.




Wednesday Feb. 22nd 2012

1. Discussion of the archetype at work within 'folklore' story.  What aspect of archetype and the trickster was found and what did it do for the story?

2. The Hero in literature vs the protagonist

3. http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/smc/journey/ref/summary.html


4. Lesson on topic sentences--->


Thesis: Through Paul’s experience behind the lines, at a Russian prisoner of war camp, and especially under bombardment in the trenches, Erich Maria Remarque realistically shows how war dehumanizes a man.

TS #1-Initially, the images of violence and death that envelop Paul behind the lines begin to shatter his grasp on reality.

TS #2-In addition to losing his grasp on reality, Paul’s perception of the value of human life slowing dissolves within the barbed wire of the prison camp.
TS #3-Finally, Remarque utilizes the savagery of the trenches to expose Paul’s loss of self and sense of compassion.


From Owl:


A topic sentence

A topic sentence is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the paragraph is going to deal with. Although not all paragraphs have clear-cut topic sentences, and despite the fact that topic sentences can occur anywhere in the paragraph (as the first sentence, the last sentence, or somewhere in the middle), an easy way to make sure your reader understands the topic of the paragraph is to put your topic sentence near the beginning of the paragraph. (This is a good general rule for less experienced writers, although it is not the only way to do it). Regardless of whether you include an explicit topic sentence or not, you should be able to easily summarize what the paragraph is about.


HW--->Writing topic sentences.  Spend some time and write three topic sentences that will introduce three of your projected body paragraphs.  Please put this with your introduction (intro of the collection of ideas essay).



Tuesday Feb 21st 2012

1. Look at your essay

2. New Quest challenge for the weak

3. The Trickster and the brer Rabbit  http://hercules.gcsu.edu/~mmagouli/trickster.htm

4. Questions on Collection of Ideas




Thursday Feb. 16th 2012

1. Take Quest

2. First paragraph...Discussion

3. NPR on the trickster...http://www.indiebound.org/book/9781555917241

4. http://americanfolklore.net/folklore/brer-rabbit/



1. Blog Sunday

2. YouTube on Friday (by midnight)




Wednesday Feb. 15th 2012

0. Picking an essay to be graded/Discuss the essay your found and read.

1. Discuss progress and review the directions.

2.Relooking at the thesis statement: http://2010yeagleyenglish.pbworks.com/w/page/32890788/The%20Thesis%20Statement

3. Playing around with the introduction paragraph or a body paragraph didn't work! 


HW-->work on getting the first paragraph lightly drafted.  Focus on your thesis statement.  (review how to write a good one on the wiki).


Tuesday Feb. 14th 2012

1. Read prompt and mark up text while reading

2. Plan for your essay.

3. Write essay using MS Word.  Paste essay on a new page (name it the next logical progression).  Please indicate at the bottom of the new page which essay you would like me to grade.  Please refer to the essay as the Thursday essay or the Tuesday Essay.


HW-->no homework.  You might want to work on your collection of ideas.


Monday Feb. 13th 2012

1. New Quest Lit Vs words

2. Review Essay basics--->

3. Make a plan for goals for tomorrow.  What is one thing you want to do better and how will you do it?

4. Questions answered on Collection of Ideas--->place responses in the comment box on the bibliography.

5. Look at an essay (on front page)


HW--->Look for an example



Friday Feb. 10th 2012

1. Take Quest #2

2. Look at the essays from yesterday: Peer Review using the ideas below (parts A, B, C).  Peer review with three specific pro and three specific cons.

3. Make the comments in below the essay.  Make sure you are in edit (vs. comment box)


part A.--->Check the intro which one is it like?

tandard Example (Paper score=8)

In his epic poem, Paradise Lost, John Milton retells the biblical story of Eve's succumbing to the appealing arguments of Satan. As the story is slowly recounted, the speech of both Eve and Satan reveal their underlying characters through a variety of literary techniques. Through diction, imagery, and tense shift, Eve is exposed as a morally weak individual and Satan is exposed as a manipulator "replete with guile."

Creative Example (Paper score=8)

Fidelity. A word one will never hear on the modern-day Jerry Springer show for both its ludicrous definition and polysyllabic nature. Certain less-than-reputable areas of the media will have people believe that faithfullness and monogamy mean nothing, and everyone falls "victim" to cheating on his or her loved "one." John Donne, however, was apparently centuries ahead of his time then, endorsing such practices in "The Indifferent." The narrator rallies for multiple partners for all, while expressing his views on women — that one is no different than any other (with the exception of the naive faithful and the realistic unfaithful) and men should therefore love indiscriminately. Donne develops his arguments using clever wit, a wide range of knowledge and figurative language.



Part B. Look at these ideas at work in the essay.


  • — Avoid Point of View Shifts (don't use you your, we, us, our)
  • — Avoid Logical Absolutes (don't say "everybody knows," etc.)
  • — Do not use a word if you are unsure of its meaning.
  • — Use strong verbs. Instead of "The author shows how..." try "The author demonstrates how..." or "The author illustrates how..."


Part C. From the board 




Thursday Feb. 9th 2012

1. Timed Essay; 1993/1994

2. Post finished work on wiki



Wednesday Feb. 8th 2012

1. Discuss Animal Farm

2. Work with idea of a archetype within the context of animal farm

3. PowerPoint continued over elements of the archetype.


HW-->Collection of Ideas (Due by midnight)



Tuesday Feb. 7th 2012

1. Grades Posted for all

2. Grade Quest

3. Archetype Short Response/CDW--->Using an element of archetype, write a question and answer it using the structure of CDW (short response)


HW--> http://www.jeremychapman.info/cms/archetypes-rhetoric-and-characters-northrop-fryes-criticism





Monday Feb. 6th 2012 

1. New Quest review

2. Continue work on Multiple Choice

3. Archetype Continued: http://www.thewritersjourney.com/hero's_journey.htm


HW-->Finish Animal Farm (all of it)



Thursday Feb. 2nd 2012

1. Review from last night's assignment/Application to archetype   

2. Leading the classroom/Student centric.

3. Russian Rev.


HW-->No Homework!



Wednesday Feb. 1st.

1. Questions on COI

2. Work with the Fences Piece...Discuss how we would approach this....

3. Archetype...continued...http://edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/dherring/ap/consider/frye/indexfryeov.htm



Read 7-8.  Apply at least one element to the text and explain how it functions



Tuesday January 31st

1. update on COIs….

2. Discuss 5 and 6 in terms of narrative foreshadowing…Highlight on the rule and the corruption of the vision.

3. Archetypal Criticism….a search…a powerpoint.

4. Handout and....






Monday January 30th

1. Review the Youtube video process.  

2. Weekly Blog reviewed/Pushing for voice.

3.Review Last week's quest.

4. Continue Rabinowitz.  Apply to the Scarlet Letter.



Read: Chapter 5 and 6.




Friday  January 27th 2012


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