mini isearch info for seniors


YOU MUST: Have five pages total (minimum)


Have a guiding question


You must have 10 sources for examples from the following categories:


iSearch paper Format Guide




                                                Title (Topic)


Part I.

Why I Chose My Topic (2-3 Paragraphs).  Here is where you write two to three paragraphs identifying your topic of interest, tell what you want to learn and why you chose this topic.



Brainstorm: Complete your KWL Chart to draw upon Priod Knowledge.  The KWL Chart will be collected but should not be included in the final iSearch paper.


Part II What I Already Know About My Topic (1-3 paragraphs)

(Refer to KWL CHART).  Here is where you write one to three paragraphs, discussing what knowledge, experience, or background you already have about your topic, BEFORE having done any research on it.


Search Log: (create a Word document with search log at the top and keep in your folder)

Begin a log of you search, including dates, notes and sources.  This search log can help you: Describe the sequence of steps you took to complete your research, summarize information you learned from each source, indicate what was or was not useful, and create your “Work Cited” page.  The search log, your rough notes, along with any questions you were trying to answer.


Part III. What I Want to Learn (Refer to the KWL Chart)

Write 5-7 questions or statements.  Base your research on these questions/statements.  Here is where you develop and answer questions about your topic that you want to learn through your research.  In the W and L in your KLW chart, write well thought out questions.  These questions will guide your search.  Include your findings in your completed typed report.


Part III.  The Search.  Steps I took to complete my research (1-2 pages)

Here is where you describe the sequence of steps you took to complete your research.  For Example:

*describe what source you begin with (refer to the search log)

*explain how these led to further sources

*describe problems or breakthroughs in your search

*Tell how your questions changed or expanded as a result of the search process.

*acknowledge the help you received from others in obtaining valuable sources

*describe how much fun you had learning about your topic

Discuss the books, Internet sites, magazines and newspaper articles that you used during your search,  Briefly summarize information provided by each source, indicate what was or was not useful (refer to your search log)

Part III. The Search. My Interview (1-2 pages)

You must include an interview with an ‘expert’ in your field of study (be sure to create a set of questions to ask your ‘expert’ and write down his/her responses).  Include in your report the ‘experts’ name, job title/position, place of employment, why you chose him/her, the questions you asked and his/her responses.  Also include how the interview confirmed what you already knew about your topic of interest and/or provided you new insight about your field of study.


Part IV. What I Learned (1-2 Pages)

Write what you found as a result of your research.  Tell how the things you thought you knew were confirmed or reinforced, and in your own words explain, discuss, and describe new concepts and new ideas you discovered about your topic.  Clearly answer the question: “What do you know about your topic of interest that you didn’t know before?”

Part V. Conclusion/Reflection (1-2 pages)

This is where you explain in more detail what you learned from the total iSearch experience (research and interview).  Briefly discuss what you did well, successes and/or drawbacks encountered in planning and completing the research, things you could/should have done differently and how you plan to use what you have learned.

Part VI. References (Works Cited)

Here is where you will list a variety of sources to support your paper.  An interview, with an ‘expert’ must be included as it is required for the assignment.  In addition, Internet sites, magazine and newspaper articles and books are acceptable sourecs.  Your paper must have a minimum of five references representing a variety of sources to fulfill the requirements.