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Book Rip

Page history last edited by Jayson Yeagley 13 years, 8 months ago

A book rip is one way at getting into your book.


Rip stands for Rhetorical Incite Perception or RIP.


When you RIP a book you are looking for all three of these elements.  


Take a few moments and work in your group to decide what each word means for you and decide how you will apply this word to a novel.


1. Rhetorical

2. Incite

3. Perception

Comments (1)

Jayson Yeagley said

at 9:12 am on Jan 19, 2011

Take a few moments and discuss the following.
1. Plot Arc
2. Character types: Flat/Round, Static Dynamic
3. Conflict
4. Protagonist/Antagonist
5. POV

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