Levels of Diction
1. High or formal -
a. Usually creates an elevated tone
b. Free of slang, idioms, colloquialisms, and contractions
c. Often has polysyllabic words, sophisticated syntax, and elegant word choice
Example: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter
2. Neutral –
a. Uses standard language and vocab without elaborate words
b. May include contractions
Example: Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea
3. Informal or low –
a. The language of everyday use (vernacular)
b. Relaxed, conversational
c. Includes simple words, idioms, slang, jargon, and contractions
Example: Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye
Types of Diction
Slang = recently coined words used in informal situations
Come and go quickly
Examples: phat, rad, heads (headbangers), etc.
Colloquialisms = (or colloquial expressions) conversational words
nonstandard, often regional
Example: the southern “y’all”; Pittsburgh “yinz”
Jargon = words and expressions of a particular trade, profession, or pursuit
Examples: TV News (the “talent”), nautical terms, medical terms, etc.
Idioms = an expression whose meaning cannot be derived from the
definitions and arrangement of its parts
Examples: “keeping tabs on,” “hang on,” “on the line”
Dialect = regional variation of a language with its own vocab and grammar
Often used in fiction to reveal a character’s social/economic class
Example: “Sho, there’s ticks a-plenty.”
Concrete = specific words that describe physical qualities or conditions.
Abstract = language of ideas, emotions, conditions, and other intangible concepts
Examples: impenetrable, incredible, justice, anger, etc.
Denotation = literal definition
Connotation = implicit or associated meaning of a word
Includes emotional overtones
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