Blog #7 Due on Wednesday March 7th 2012
You will be completing your own blog. Your idea and your topic in media. It can't be something we have done before. It must be approved tomorrow. You are trying to earn the 30 points...
Blog #6 Due on Wednesday Feb. 29th 2012 (leap year day). Make sure you label your entry using the same labeling system as before.
Your goal this week is to find a website that you think is highly functional. You will discuss your page in terms of the categories from Monday's class. Monday's class we talked about the following criteria:
* Content
* Structure and Navigation
* Visual Design
* Functionality
* Interactivity
* Overall Experience
You will also spend time breaking down:
1. Why it was created (the website)--->be specific
2. who is the audience (of the website)--->how do you know? Be Specific
3. What special elements are at work (within the website )
4. Criticism about the site (what didn't work and why)--->be specific
5. Open comments (a moment for you to discuss other elements about the site.
Blog #5 Due on Thursday Feb. 23rd 2012. Make sure you label your entry using the same label system as assignment
For this are going to reflect on all of the elements we have worked with so far. You want to explain the topic (listed below) and what the 'skinny' is on each of them including your skill level and experience with the topic. The goal of this assignment is self-reflection on what you have learned in this unit. The list is provided below. Top scores for this assignment will include a solid description of the topic followed by your strengths and weaknesses and experience with it (that is two things to do for each--->don't just do one and expect to do well on this reflection_.
JUST copy and paste the list below into your blog to get you started.---->make sure you keep the categories separate meaning...don't discuss the pyramid while talking about hard news..
1. Bias in the Media
2. Advertising
3. Ethos/Pathos/logos
4. Hard News
5. Inverted Pyramids
6. Leads
7. The Feature
Blog #4. Due on Wednesday Feb. 8th. Make sure you label your entry using the same label system as assignment #3
Feature (Soft News) vs. Hard News.
For this blog. reread this quick article.-->
Your job this week is to read a feature. You must do the following:
1. Read the feature (and provide the hyperlink)
2. Explain specifically how you know it is a feature
3. Discuss a few elements that would be changed to make the feature into a news story (some might be drastic).
4. You will provide some information as to what aspect of the way your feature was written that you would like to include in your article (if it is a feature). If your article is not a feature, what elements do you like.
5. Provide some basics as to why your feature story (that you read) is best suited for a feature.
Blog #3. Due on Wednesday Feb. 8th. Make sure you label your entry using the same label system as assignment #2
Lead Analysis (the point of this blog)
This week you are going to read the first 4 paragraphs of 5 different articles in your paper. You will copy and paste the lead from each article and place it on your blog. You will then talk about the lead by labeling the type. You will next talk about why the writer went with this type of lead. You should offer criticism too. Decide how you are going to set this up. Make it easy to read and grade.
Blog #2. Due on Wednesday on February 1st. Make sure you label your entry using the same label system as assignment #2 (below)
Article Analysis (the point of this blog)
This week you are going to be looking at how a story is built. You need to pick a story that is a 'Hard News'. We discussed what 'Hard News' and the parts of a basic article here. on January 31st in class. If you were absent. Please review this info on the website listed. You will be looking for a 'hard news' article in your class newspaper.
Do the following:
1. Find a hard news story that does not relate to entertainment/Read it.
2. List how the article is organized. Start with the Headline and then the lead. Next you will have to find out which direction it went. Make sure you explain yourself after each part. The goal of this article is to study how it was put together. Think big and then explain for each part.
3. Make sure you explain yourself and organize your blog so that it is a 'clean' copy that is free from careless errors. Make sure your assignment is essy to read.
***Hint--->The "organization" part of your article will be different based on the topic. You might say something like this: (this is a goofy and quick example of what I am looking for)
Lead--->focused on the what aspect since a missing zebra was the most important part of the story
Background--->we found out more about why the man had an exotic pet.
Interviews---->The writer spent some time discussing the pet with the owners and some of the neighbors. A police officer was interviewed too!
The next step--->the article took a direction to explain what was next for the owners and what might happened to the zebra if it does not find food soon.
Newspaper Focus
Blog #1. This blog is due on the 25th by midnight.
4th Period--->USA Today
5th Period--->The New York Times
You will be reading a choice story from your paper within the sports section. This week you are all about "fact checking" and "bias". In writing. Bias is a non-objective angle on a topic. Your goal for this article is to create some questions you have regarding the information being presented. You are also going to call into question the "biased" nature of the story. You need to do both. Make sure you make specific and supported connections.
Do the following 3 items
1. Ask important questions. Questions that you have that are not answered in the article. Or questions as to why the writer made certain choices.
2. Fact Checker----PIck things out that create a sense of doubt in your mind. Paraphrase or quote the info and put FACT CHECK after it. I also urge you to give your logical reasons as to why you picked that. (there should be a sense of "Because" in your responses).
3. Bias (giving an opinion). Pick out chunks that seem to have bias (paraphrase or quote) and explain....why you picked it (... because...)
Blog #1 (Wed Jan. 25th)
Super Bowl ads get racier, but does sex really sell?
By Bruce Horovitz, USA TODAY
Blog #1 (Wed. Jan. 25th)
To Roddickâs Frustration, Injury Curtails a Strong Start
Published: January 19, 2012
Blog #1 (Wed. Jan. 25th)
Giants vs. 49ers: Carlos Rogers discovers there is life after the Redskins
By Barry Svrluga, Friday, January 20,
Week 7/Blog #7 Semester 1 Due Thursday January 5th 2011
Answer the following question regarding your text using CDW
Question: One of the strongest human drives seems to be a desire for power. Write a short response using CDW in which you discuss how a character in your novel struggles to free himself or herself from the power of others or seeks to gain power over others. Be sure to demonstrate in your short response (using CDW) how the author uses this power struggle to enhance the meaning of the work.
Week 6/Blog #6 Semester 1 Due Wednesday December 14th 2011
This week you are solely making sure you have 30 quotes from your main character. You will need to make sure they are numbered and sited by page. YOu must also have at least four categories from which you have distributed the quotes. That is your blog this week.
1. "Stop looking at me like I am in jail. My soul is a pasture without fences and you are the key to your own lock" (Jones 25)
2. "The smile from her face will wrinkle in time as her days of happiness expire during the pale moon light" (Jones 26)
Childhood flashback
"My younger years when my toes were growing and my bones were showing: (Jones 121)
Response to violence
"Never will you crack a rib with your verbal are a pig and I am the pig master" (Jones 223)
Week 5/Blog #5 Semester 1 Due Thursday Dec. 8th 2011(DON'T FORGET TO ANSWER THE "SO WHAT" PART
This week you will be applying the Marxist Literary Criticism Theory to your text. You will be picking two of the critical questions from Marxist Criticism and you will connect it to your text using paraphrase and at least one worthwhile quote per question. Remember, when you are doing literary criticism you are putting on new "lenses" to view your subject or text. With the new "lenses", you will be able to look at your text through a different 'perspective'. You want to apply the two questions to your entire book so far. This assignment is worth 30 points. Generic and non-specific answers will receive a maximum of 50% (or an F). The goal of this is to get specifics out the text (one quote per answer minimum) while using elements of Marxist Criticism: *Remember, identification is only part of the battle. You want to identify it and then explain how that use of Marxism affects the understanding of the text.
The 8 Key Questions of Marxist Criticism
1. Whose story gets told in the text? Are lower economic groups ignored or devalued?
2. Does the text reflect or resist a dominant ideology? Does it do both?
3. Does the main character in a narrative affirm or resist bourgeois values (capitalistic, materialistic, stereotypically middle-class values)?
4. What role does class play in the work; what is the author's analysis of class relations?
5. How do characters overcome oppression?
6. In what ways does the work serve as propaganda for the status quo; or does it try to undermine it?
7. What does the work say about oppression; or are social conflicts ignored or blamed elsewhere?
8. Does the work propose some form of utopian vision as a solution to the problems encountered in the work?
--->remember that you are only using two of these in order to dig into your text. Please use the following format to complete your blog. Remember, no generic nothingness. Specifics including one quote per question and close specific paragraphing is the key followed with extention.
Example: (one need two)
#5 How do characters overcome oppression?
My character, John Smithville, overcomes oppression through the use of his silent singing group as a reaction to harsh rules of the Kingdom. The group sings in silence, which allows them to 'workaround' the local laws that prohibit public singing; the group just lips the words in unison without any actual sounds coming out. Although King Evenflow is angry, he can't risk throwing John and his crew in jail because they are following the rules. A Marxist reading opens up the idea that the citizens are oppressed when signs read "No singing without Punishment" (Walters 22). Power is a huge part of this theory and it is clear that the King is in the position to oppress his unhappy subjects. When he states, "Singing is pointless and creates a sense of false hope and comfort...singing has been outlawed since the third century and will continue until the end days" (Walters 55). Since Smith is not in charge of an army or money or power, he uses the only way he can overcome the oppression.
Week 4/Blog #4 Semester 1 Due Thursday Dec. 1st 2011
This week you will be practicing showing off the knowledge of your book in the form of planning for an essay (QA123) and writing one body paragraph (TRIC). This assignment is due on Thursday this week instead of the usual Wednesday (due to Monday being a waiver day/no school). You will practice improving on some of the issues that you had in your last paragraph (TRIC ) for Death of a Salesman. However, THIS Planning and Paragraph will be on your indie reading novel. The goal of this essay (even though you are only going to plan it and write one body paragraph) is to discuss the most significant element of your current chapter. Please only pick on element such as: Characterization, Conflict, Setting, Dialogue, Flashback, Revenge, Motivation, Companionship, Love, Pride, community, ETC. (you need to tell me which one you are using by class time on Wednesday). Your work will go on the top of your blogging page. Please copy and past the info above.
Q: What is the most significant element of your current chapter? (pick one of the elements above)
A: (your answer written in a thesis statement)
1. Support point 1
2. Support point 2
3. Support point 3
(Pick your best support point from above and write a body paragraph using TRIC--->Make sure you use ICE in the Illustration part of TRIC)
The overview of Blog #4:
1. Decide on an important Element in current indie reading chapter
2. Plan for an essay using QA123
3. Pick best support (1 or 2 or 3) and write an awesome TRIC with ICE paragraph
4. Place both the planning and the body paragraph on your indie blog page on your wiki
Week 3/Blog #3 Semester 1 Due Nov. 16th 2011
For this week you are going to be working with the concept of 'selected information'. As readers, we are only given certain information during the reading of the text. There are tons of things we don't know within the world of the text. These unknowns are needed because the author has to keep a certain pace and focus. he or she can't focus on everything or the book would be fragmented and confusing. Your job this week is to pick a major character you know a lot about and then pick a minor character that we should know more about. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to complete this. You are going to provide some basic information on the character you know about by including several quotes as textual evidence. You are then going to answer some questions and infer information about the character you wish you know more about (because it would help you with the story). Use the following format: (please copy and paste the format onto your wiki blogging space)
Character #1 (one you do know a lot about) (*****BE SUPER SPECIFIC*****)
1. What motivates this character?
2. Where is this character from (background)
3. What specific role is this character playing in your text? In other words, what is the point of this character vs. another character? What hole does this character fill in the text?
4. What attitude do people take towards this character?
5. What are some things we don't know about this character because the author is leaving the info out?
Character #2 (one you wish you knew more about)
1. Why is this character in the text?
2. Specifically, how does the reader first meet this character and in what ways are we left in the dark as compared to your other character?
3. Does this character know the other character? If so, how do they interact and how do does the limit of information about this character create issues with the interaction? If not, what would they say about each other?
4. Think about the top three things you would like to know about this character by three, answer the questions by inferring possible information.
5. If this character had a tale where he or she was the main charter, what would be the conflict in his or her tale?
Week 2/ Blog #2 Semester 1
For this week you are going to do two things for your blog which is due on Wednesday Nov. 9th by midnight. Your first part needs to be on your blog page and the second part need to be on your quote page. Please provide a hyperlink to get to your quote page. I will show you in class how to do this.
Part 1. The culture of a book is really important. Spend some time talking about the culture/society in which your main character is living. Talk about who is in power, what is daily life like. Talk about the pros and cons of living in this culture. Does your main character rebel against the society or take part in it as a willing participant?
Part 2. You are going to make a folder called Quotes Collection and a page called Quotes from my text. You are going to create a working document where you are collecting quotes. You should have headings for the different types of quotes you are collecting. Remember, you are going to be focusing on one of your main characters. The quotes can be said by someone else including the narrator, but all quotes must expose information about the main character.
Week 1 Semester 2
Please divide your book up by 8 (total pages divided by 8)--->put pages to read per week at the bottom of the wiki
1st blog of 2nd nine weeks due on Wednesday Nov 2nd by midnight. Remember to label your work using the following information.
Indie Blog # 1 for The Dark is the Light, but Dark by James Walters--->weekly reading pages 23-69
Your task this week:
In retrospect, the reader often discovers that the first or so chapter of a novel introduces some of the major themes of the work. Write a blog about the first or so chapter of a novel in which you explain how it functions in this way. Make sure you focus on some themes that you think will arise. Research what a theme is in order to understand. Do the following in a one paragraph form:
----make sure to use the same colors as I did on your version----
1. Name the theme and make it bold in one sentence (example is highlighted in green)
2. Explain (in terms of the theme) in your words (paraphrase)--->example is highlighted in blue
3. The quote from your text including page number (can be from more than one place)--->example is highlighted in yellow
4. Break down the quote by specifically explaining key points of the quote and how it ties into your theme mentioned in part one. orange
I feel like my text has a driving theme of freedom. Freedom seems to show up in several forms in the beginning of the text in chapter 1. First, Captain Mitchell always goes on weekend trips where he doesn't plan out. He just takes off. We find out that, "he took his go-bag out of his truck and left it laying on the garage floor. He didn't need it anymore. He looked at the clock and he shrugged. His next stop was somewhere in the Rockies on one of the mountains he hadn't been to yet. He just wanted to do something new. He wanted a chance explore. Nothing else mattered! Not work and not his anything. Two nights in the Rockies was his legend" (Jones 22). The quote shows his lack of a plan and it highlights that he is leaving thoughts and things from work at home (go-bag). His discussion of wanting something new and the idea of exploring really lends itself well to the theme of freedom. This quote really shows Captain Mitchell trying to escape the hard days and nights of his life.
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