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Digital Tools for your Wiki

Page history last edited by Jayson Yeagley 14 years ago

Here is a collection of digital tools that you can use for your wiki page.


Click on the link to visit the site(s).  Make sure you sign up using the same user name and password.  I would make a list somewhere so that you can reference them later on if you forget.  Your goal is to be able to embed things into your project.  Make sure you can do this in some way.

If you find a tool that is not yet on my list, but might be a good idea...please let me know .


WEB 2.0 Resources:


1. http://www.mystudiyo.com/               MyStudiyo offers a rich solution for creating online quizzes


2. http://www.polldaddy.com/With your free account from PollDaddy you can now create surveys and polls for your website, blog and social network profiles.


3. quizlet.com/


4. www.readthewords.com/


5. sketchcast.com/


6. www.surveymonkey.com/Default.aspx


7. www.toondoo.com/


8. www.wordle.net/


9. zohopolls.com/


10. www.voki.com/


11. www.msu.edu/~jdowell/135/Synthesis.html


12. www.themaninblue.com/experiment/Cubescape/


13. textanim.com/ 


14. goanimate.com/ 


15. www.animasher.com/ 


16. www.magmypic.com/ 


17. www.exploratree.org.uk/


18. ourstory.com/


19. bubbl.us/


20. www.easytestmaker.com/default.aspx 


21. 280slides.com/ 


22. museumbox.e2bn.org/


23. www.scrapblog.com/


24. www.glogster.com/  (this is now blocked at school)


25. poster.4teachers.org/index.php


26. www.studystack.com


27. www.webfetti.com/dl/index.jhtml



28. dandelife.com/


29. www.vuvox.com/collage


30. www.flowgram.com/


31. animoto.com/ 


32. http://www.diigo.com/


33. http://Pixton.com


34. http://www.howcast.com


35. http://scratch.mit.edu/


36. http://voicethread.com/#home


37. http://www.dfilm.com/live/mm.html (animation movie maker)


38. http://www.piclits.com/gallery.aspx


39. http://wordsift.com/


40. http://www.wallwisher.com/


41. http://www.scribblar.com/




Great SItes


http://www.babbel.com/ (learning language)


http://mind42.com/ (mind maps)


http://www.scribd.com/ (tons of online books and documents)















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