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Indie Reading Prompts

Page history last edited by Jayson Yeagley 14 years, 7 months ago





If you can't find my podcast on iTunes...click the link: http://yeagley.podbean.com/

Ping iTunes: https://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZFinance.woa/wa/pingPodcast?id=xxxxxxx


You will:


               *Read a novel of your choice TWICE each week (5% each time)

               *Plan the overview of your weekly show due by Thursday on your wiki page.

               *Record, edit, and publish your weekly show to iTunes by Sunday @ midnight

               *Use the schools Internet connection if you have connectivity issues at home (Don't wait until the weekend) 

               *Follow the format that I provide for you including rubric requirements.

               *Realize that you have a junior fan subscribing to your podcast.




Initial Set-Up (Pre-show)

1. Give your show a name that will make sense as you read different books (Must be approved)

2. Create a logical ICON or picture that will work (Can't be more than 200KB in size)

3. Create an iTunes account and Podbean account

4. Design the way your show is going to be set up from week to week (The Format)

5. Pick intro music from podsafe audio.com or see Mr. Yeagley for additional music. (it needs to be used the rest of the year)



1. Your weekly overview, which would include specific topics and information is due each week by Thursday on your wiki

2. Your recorded show needs an INTRO, Segments in the Middle, and an OUTRO (preview what is coming next week)

3. Your segments must be meaningful and worthwhile as per the weekly focus (listen to Yeagley podcast to get this info)

4. Your voice must be loud and clear

5. You must fix major and/or frequent errors.  Remember that you can edit your mistakes.

6. You must get your podcast to Mr. Yeagley via email if you have problems posting it on Podbean/iTunes

7. Your show must be a minimum of 4 minutes of quality programming not including intro music (no Max, but 10 minutes seems too long)


0. Still give page number read

1. Quick update as to what is going on currently

2. Some predictions as to where current action will lead

3. Read a segment that is well written and explain specifically why this is well written; what elements make it good.

4. Discuss intellectual questions you have about the book

5. Respond to the weekly Yeagley Focus



Remember to listen to Mr. Yeagley's podcast to get weekly objective.  This is the only way to get this.  You might want to subsribe to the Yeagley Podcast and/or download do your iTunes for reference.





*****************************OLD INDIE READING PROMPTS BELOW********************************







This is the space you will visit for each week's indie reading topic for your blogging (about your independent novel).  You need to have two blogs per week and you can't have more than one entry per day.  The week runs from Monday until Sunday.  


*****New Rule: You need two Indie Reads per Week!



Monday-Thursday= You can blog both entries if you want.  


Friday-Sunday= Only one entry total allowed during these day (so hopefully you did one Monday-Thursday).


Week 15 Entry # 29 and # 30 (Jan. 4th-Jan. 10th)

Entry # 29.  What are you annoyed at in your book?  What bugs you a little?  Is the pace a little slow?  Are there things that are obvious and don't require the pages of description provided by the author.  Are there parts that seem like a rip off?  Please come up with all the problems with this novel.  Do not say that it is perfect.  You might just have to look a little closer and at more subtle aspects of the novel.  


Entry # 30.  Please write a letter to the author and ask him or her to fix some of the issues that you have found.  Be specific in your recommendations.  Have several organized paragraphs.  Use entry number 29 as a springboard for this entry.  Make sure you spend some time thinking about what you are going to write.  You should provide clear communication and organize your information accordingly.


Week 14 Entry # 27 and # 28 (Dec. 14th- Dec. 20th)--Make sure to read 5%


Entry # 27.  Think about your story and decide, as of now, what other story this reminds you of.  It could be a movie or a written story.  What parts remind you of this?  How is the story different and how do the differences change each story.  Please provide information as to which story you think is more credible.



Entry # 28 Would this book make a good movie?  We are living in a time where nearly everything is turned into a movie.  However, some books do not lend themselves to movies directly.  For example, books with many flashbacks or dream scenes are hard to translate on the big screen.  Pick apart your book and decide if your book would be a good movie.  Explain in detail why this would translate well and what accomadations would have to be in place.  Please do not quickly respond to this one as it will take some explaining. 




Week 13 Entry # 25 and # 26 (Dec. 7- Dec 13th)--Make sure to read 5%


Entry # 25.  If you were the author, would you have changed the name of a character, or altered the location of a scene? What does the name mean to you? Do you have a negative connotation associated with the name (or the place)? What would you name the character instead? What would you use as a setting? 


Entry # 26  What ideas or questions does your indie read raise for you? What feelings does your book trigger you to feel?  What is the author trying to do in this story? Why do you think he or she wrote this book/ story?  


Week 12 Entry # 23 and # 24 (Nov. 30- Dec 4th)--Make sure to read 5%

Entry # 23--What is the current motivation of one of your major characters.  Make sure you provide background information as well as where you think this motivation will take the character.  


Entry # 24--This one is your choice.  Although I will not do this often, I am interested in you blogging about your book with some sort of focus.  You can not summarize.  This will get you no points.  You also can not repeat something we have focused on already.  It needs to be something new.  Start off the first sentence by explaining what you are going to write about or focus on.  Spend the rest of the huge paragraph backing up or supporting your focus.



Week 11 Entry # 21 and # 22 (Nov. 16th- Nov. 22nd)--Make sure to read 5%

Entry # 21 How does today's reading directly align on the plot chart?  Are you in the expedition, rising action, climax, falling action, or conclusion?  Decide which one and explain how you know this.  What elements and data helps you to realize this?  Now that you know the part of the novel your in...what would you do if you were the author in the story?  What would you make happen?  What choices would you make?


Entry # 22 Review the psychoanalytic approach.  Apply this to one of your more developed characters.  Identify which part (ex. ID) and then explain why you think this fits best.  Use previous situations in the novel to prove your point.  As always, if you can't find this...you might want to rethink your analysis.  Make sure you spend some time on this and develop it.  Ask me if you have any questions.  Do not wait until the weekend.


Week 10 Entry #19 and # 20 (Nov. 9th- Nov. 15th)---Read 5% each time you read!

Entry # 19 For this entry, you will need to do the first and second part of the four way response.  Make sure you label these so that I know which is which.  Also, you can get a total of 15 points for this entry.  If you rush and just quickly do this and the outcome is low quality...you will not get all of these easy and worthwhile points.


Entry # 20 For this entry, you will need to do the third and fourth part of the four way response.  Make sure you label these so that I know which is which.  Also, you can get a total of 15 points for this entry.  If you rush and just quickly do this and the outcome is low quality...you will not get all of these easy and worthwhile points.



Week 9 Entry #17 and #18 (Nov. 2-Nov. 8)---Read 5% each time you read!

***things are back to normal this week***

Entry # 17 For this entry, you need to go back and review the information from Marxist Criticism.  Next, you will need to apply some are all of the theory to your book.  You only need to use text to do this.  Explain what the theory helped you to uncover.  Write a blog that explains a Marxist reading of your novel....so far.  As always, see me if you don't understand!


Entry # 18 Take a moment and pick out 10 key words from your reading today.  Write the words in a list on your blog.





Week 8 Entry #15 and #16 (Oct 25th-Nov. 1)

Entry # 15 Look at the digital tools section and find one of them that will help you complete the following task:  Your task is to show what your book is about on two levels.  The first level is the basic plot of the story.  The second level is the underlying message or theme in your novel.  Don't make this too quick.  Think about it.  You need to represent both levels in one piece.  You need to use one of the following web 2.0 tools to complete this task.  Please write up a quick paragraph explaining your piece.  Please embed this on your personal wiki front page and on the Indie Reading page.  (do not wait until the last minute on this one).  


Entry # 16 (You only have one entry this week...it counts for 15 and 16)..make sure you make it count and do a really good job.  Come up with a thoughtful idea, plan, and execute a product.  Embed on your wiki.  See the self help section if you need help (it will be up after Tuesday Oct. 26th and will be housed on my website under the video section).



Week 7 Entry #13 and #14 (Oct 19th-Oct 25th).

Entry # 13 In your range of pages for this reading, how were things done and/or said that are helping to move your conflict towards completion?  What steps were taken to fix a problem that was created in the rising action?  Be specific and connect the actions of the characters to the solving of the conflict (what type of conflict is i).


Entry # 14 Many pieces of literature illustrate the adage “Be careful what you wish for, as you might get it.”  From your book, provide an example that shows the truth of this statement.  Explain what the character wanted and the consequences of that wish.  It might not be specifically a wish as it might be more of a desire and will to do something.  Be specific and complete this entry for your indie reading.




Week 6 Entry #11 and #12 (Oct 12th-Oct 18th).

Entry #11 For this entry you should focus on dialogue.  How does your author approach this topic?  Is there a lot of dialogue?  Does the dialogue add to or take away from the story line?  Does the dialogue seem realistic? Do you feel that the author put a lot of time in the dialogue.  Find a chunk of dialogue that is very well written and describe what is being accomplished by the author.  Make sure you quote the actual lines before you end of discussing it and it's effectiveness.


Entry #12 Find a part on your story that seems to be pointless or a filler.  Why does this section seem to not add to the narrative?  Go out on a limb and try to infer why the author/editor allowed this part to be included in the final revision.  After thinking about it, what is the function of this part and explain where it is within the story line (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, conclusion)



Week 5 Entry #9 and #10 (Oct. 5- Oct 11th).

Entry #9 Discuss the way your author breaks up the chapters.  Discuss the current chapter you are on and the focus on this chapter.  What made this chapter different from the last one.  Does it have a different topic or focus than the last one.  Are the chapters named?  If they are name, what is the name of the one you are on now?  If they are not, what would be a good name for the chapter you are currently one?  Finally, how did the last chapter end?  Did the author leave you guessing?  Did a big moment happen?  Was a new character or situation introduced?


Entry #10 Focus on the current setting.  Where is your main character now?  What is the setting like?  How does this add to the mood and/or tone of the story?  Is the current setting believable?  Do a quick google search of this setting and find out ten facts about this place and type them in your entry.  Do these facts help explain why the author decided to use this setting?  If your story is non-fiction, spend this time to research this setting and write about what you found.




Week 4 Entry #7 and #8 (Sept. 28th- Oct 4th).

Entry #7 Finding out about the author is usually a pretty worthwhile activity.  Since you have been reading your novel for a while now, research some information about your author.  Find out critical information about background, education, inspiration, and other stories.  Find out if your author is prone to write within a specific genre or does he or she venture out in various directions.  Decide how to organize this paragraph and make sure you add some information as to how you reacted to bits of the information. (Don't just include the facts within your reaction)


Entry #8 Now that you know a little more about the author, now spend a few moments writing some information about some of the sub-characters are used to react to main characters.  Pick two of the minor characters to expose.  Write about the characters by describing each of them and how they interact with the storyline. Include any inferences that you might have about the author.  Please make sure that you include all of the information in your entry.  Remember, you get 15 points.



Week 3 Entry #5 and #6 (Sept. 21st- Sept 27th).

Entry #5 Discuss how the author uses point of view; what point of view is the story written from?  Is your story told in first person or third person?  Does your author allow you to hear the inner thoughts and ideas of any of the characters?  If so, is it only one character or more than one.  Look up point of view.  Discuss how this adds to or takes away from the story.  Discuss what you would have done differently in regard to this.  If you believe you would keep it the same...explain what you like about it. 


Entry #6 Discuss the conflict in your story.  Generally speaking, is this type of conflict unique or something that is pretty common in other stories?  Discuss the main conflict or what you believe to be the main conflict.  Also, discuss any additional sub-conflicts that are less important.  


Week 2 Entry #3 and #4 (Sept. 14th- Sept 20th).


Entry #3. Pick one of your main characters and explain how he or she conducts himself or herself in the world of the story.  Think about what they say.  Think about what others might say about them.  What is important to them?  What mannerisms do they have and how do you interpret them based on the mannerisms? Who are they?  What background information has been leaked?  Feel free to add your on aspects of the character.  Only pick one character!


Entry #4.  What time era is your story taking place in?  Does it say directly and if so, does the time connect with the narrative?  If it does not say, infer as to the time period and discuss how this supports or rejects elements of the plot.  



Week 1 Entry #1 and #2 (Sept 7- Sept 13th).  You must read 5% of your novel each time you read. (for a total of 10% of your novel each week)

--Here is how you should set up your Indie Reading Blogs---

Sample: Indie Reading # 1 Monday Sept. 7th 2009. Pages 12-25 (It should look just like this)


Also, for your first entry...please provide the name of the book, author, number of pages, and what 5% means for your novel.

Sample: The Old Man and the Sea by Earnest Hemingway.  178 pages (5%= 9 pages per read minimum)


Entry #1. Describe the setting of your story as you uncovered information in the exposition.  How are things described, regarding setting, and how does this add to the tone or feel of your novel so far.


Entry #2. Describe one aspect of the authors style or how he or she organizes language to tell the tale.  Always explain the effect.  How does it effect you as a reader.  Also, try to include some specific information as to how this was achieved for the writer (Give examples)








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